Tips & Articles

Can Teleworking Save Ontario Companies Money?

Earth Day is April 22nd; what is your Canadian firm doing to help improve the environment? Canadian corporations who promote teleworking and allow key employees to work a minimum of twice a week from home can help save over $53 billion dollars annually. That is not all there is to it; you could reduce greenhouse … Continue reading Can Teleworking Save Ontario Companies Money?

Office 365: Does it matter for Niagara, St. Catharine’s or Hamilton business?

Microsoft officially releases their Office 365 in Public Beta. The United States and 37 other global regions open to the public beta of Microsoft’s new cloud service for Office, email and sharing. Why should your Ontario business care? In a recently published news release Microsoft announced the public beta of their much-anticipated next version of … Continue reading Office 365: Does it matter for Niagara, St. Catharine’s or Hamilton business?

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